The Tascam Project

Today is 21st September 2023.
It is the 20th anniversary of an evening that changed my artistic life.
in Rotterdam, at Off Corso
I re-discovered my voice
on two stages
reading poetry on one stage
invited to join a jam on the main stage at the end of the evening
with musicians from bands that had played throughout the day
and from there a route was mapped to my audio art
later in life than I had supposed I might when a younger man, I made a start
and found that unlike in those days when I was younger, years before, walking Northern city walls
I had much to say
often in a fragmented and improvised way
I recorded what I had to say
on mini disc recorders
and other devices
Finally the technology that changed all for me, came to me
The Tascam DR-05
The Tascam Project presents in chronological order the speech and improvisations made on the tascam
from when I first recorded using the device, on May 1st 2016
I hear with the ears of 7 years later what I would like the world to hear.

The Tascam Project Part one – Mayday 2016

There is much much much much more where this came from, many many many hours of words.

I am open to interesting suggestions for collaborations

On 21st and 22nd October Secret City Salon presented English gigs by Ciska Ruitenberg, who invited me to perform at the festival at the Skipper Boetlek Festival at Off Corso in 2003

Hungrytown and Ciska Ruitenberg – Sunderland Saturday & Sheffield Sunday